So, I said I wasn’t going to blog for another few days or so but something miraculous happened today and I thought it best that I make commentary about it. Today, after doing poorly on a test this morning, having another test tomorrow morning, and all the while freaking-out over a paper that is due by 11am, I decided to take a break. So I went and got lunch with a friend. Because I had already given up on my studies I decided might as well have a beer – I feel it necessary to stop at this point and shed light on the fact that I am not & never have been a drinker of any caliber – but for some reason my delicious lunch seemed to reinvigorate me. As I headed back to the library I could actually feel the genius oozing out of me onto the soiled floor mats that I refuse to clean. At mock-7 I pulled into the library parking lot weaving between seniors and little Asian kids; gathered up as much of the invisible awesomeness as I could and stuffed it into my pockets. Then ran inside so that I could get it on my computer as fast as possible. Thank you Lazy Magnolia…today you fixed everything.