So after ranting yesterday I had a great great great day today! It was cold. The friction was awesome. And I couldn't have asked for a better crew to share it with.

Mike getting very intiment beta from Daniel

Me working hard to figure out the next move. I'll get it soon
The great thing about the new area were playing in is that there is absolutely no need to contrive anything. Everything is hard (or at least for me). I'm really so excited about watching the process of the group working out every little movment.

I’d love to disclose the location but do to access issues I can’t, but chances are if you are one of the few climbers who looks at this blog – you know where this is.

Super cool arete with hard moves

The Doug Jackson
Thanks drew for taking a few shots
1 comment:
Whoa, that really does look killer! Are there any holds up the face between the aretes? Wow. Seriously, sh*t looks sick, nice find.
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