I guess I can credit my attitude cha
This year’s competitors were a regular who’s who of motivated dirt bags & dirt bag wannabes alike; as well as a few ass holes (namely: Nathan Smith, Dustin Vann, Ben Henson, Joe Ortega, Lee Means & Ronnie Jenkins – I mean Ronnie was nice but I know by the people he surrounds himself with he must be a dick). Anyway, the comp went like this:
Morning – I couldn’t tell you because I wasn’t there.
10:30AM – Get to Houndears after the comp started. Hung out in the Parking lot for a while.
10:45AM – I hear that Willcutt just hiked “Jaws II” a v8 in the very front. At that I decided it
was time to get off my ass.

was time to get off my ass.
Noon – I’m drunk and have yet to put on my climbing shoes although I’ve taken hundreds of pictures by now.
Noon & a half – Some kids talk me into trying “The Blade” I flashed it. Then the shoes came back off and more whisky went in my belly.
1PM – I run into chaz and end up following him way down the hill because I could no longer chose a direction for myself. While down there I did the only other problem of the weekend “John Cougar Concentration Camp”
3PM – I arrive back at the top just in time to hear everyone freaking out over someone breaking the crux hold on “Fuk You” I don’t know who did it but I’m sure he’s an ass...Joe.
5PM – I run into all the boys who I hadn’t seen all day. Within 2 minutes my bottle of scotch went from half full to almost empty.
7PM – Soggy sandwich at campsite sucks… Nathan not happy.
9PM – Ben Henson takes the stage. I don’t know what happened after that. It was so awesome I temporally went def & blind. “It was all a dream…”
12AM – The crew (which had grown by 4) checks into a motel so gross that I chose to put on more clothes before lying on top of the covers to avoid diseases.
In the end I rode in a car for 11 hours to climb 2 problems & I couldn’t imagine a better weekend. Thank you to all the people who made it so awesome…and that means you too New Guy.
In the end I rode in a car for 11 hours to climb 2 problems & I couldn’t imagine a better weekend. Thank you to all the people who made it so awesome…and that means you too New Guy.
Quote of the week: “If it wasn’t for Future I’d still just be Nathan.”